Random TLC Shots.
BlueTooth's Testing Shots.
Marcopolo's Testing Shots.
Last changed on 08/20/07. This album contains 23 items. This album has been viewed 50595 times since 08/29/05.
Last changed on 11/05/07. This album contains 15 items. This album has been viewed 11604 times since 04/11/05.
Most of the facial hair that you can have in the game (Beards and Mustaches).
Last changed on 11/04/07. This album contains 31 items. This album has been viewed 9462 times since 11/16/04.
Most of the haircuts that you can have in the game.
Last changed on 06/23/07. This album contains 18 items. This album has been viewed 15284 times since 11/16/04.
Screenshots of what you get if you use my modified version of Fable 1.01. You still start at the beginning of the game but you have the stats that you see in the images and you are dressed like the last image.
Last changed on 09/22/05. This album contains 19 items. This album has been viewed 30807 times since 11/16/04.
Most of the tattoos availalbe in the game.
Last changed on 06/03/08. This album contains 6 items. This album has been viewed 17574 times since 11/16/04.
Last changed on 11/05/07. This album contains 42 items. This album has been viewed 17572 times since 04/13/05.
These are screenshots I've taken while playing Tester's Fable 1.01 save.
You will notice minor discrepancies since I have a modified WAD file and I tend to start the game with many things that people have to hunt for.
Last changed on 11/05/07. This album contains 96 items. This album has been viewed 20068 times since 11/16/04.
Last changed on 11/04/07. This album contains 46 items. This album has been viewed 16970 times since 02/17/05.