====== Treasure Chest Script ====== This script will spawn a treasure chest where you want one to appear that can store as many and any items you wish inside it. **Clarification**\\ UID numbers should be in the format - UID 184467####4187468629; (# replace with random number)\\ ContainerContents[] : The number entered between the [] needs to be increased by one for each new item added.\\ The definition entered between the “” can be obtained from the decompiled names file. NewThing Object; Player 4; UID 18446766684187468629 DefinitionType "OBJECT_CHEST_OPENABLE"; ScriptName NULL; ScriptData "NULL"; ThingGamePersistent FALSE; ThingLevelPersistent FALSE; StartCTCPhysicsStandard; PositionX 47.659912; PositionY 33.154297; PositionZ 55.0; RHSetForwardX -0.743122; RHSetForwardY 0.669122; RHSetForwardZ 0.0; RHSetUpX -0.000517; RHSetUpY -0.000574; RHSetUpZ 0.999994; EndCTCPhysicsStandard; StartCTCTargeted; Targetable TRUE; EndCTCTargeted; StartCTCEditor; EndCTCEditor; StartCTCChest; ContainerContents[0] "OBJECT_SWORD_OF_AEONS"; ChestOpen FALSE; EndCTCChest; Health 1.0; EndThing;