When Opening an Object, Creature, Buidling, etc etc etc (Hence forth refered to simply as “Objects”), your given the option to add and delete Cdefs.

Note of Warning: When adding cdefs to an “Object”. Currently the Cdefs are ordered by the CDefName number. Low to High. Hopefully this can be automated in the next released version of Fable Explorer.

What are Cdefs

Cdefs are packages of properties given to “Objects” in order to expand on what they do.
Whether it be Physics, Targeting, Collisions, or Inventories.

Entry Descriptions

When adding a Cdef your prompted with 3 possible entries.


This is the name of the cdef as pulled from the Names.bin file. Which is a library of names used by the game.
To fill it in simply click on the list box next to the entry or copy and paste the number from an existing entry.


This is the actual File ID of the entry stored in the Game.bin
To fill it in find the File ID of the Cdef by expanding the category of the CDef you want and pick your CDef.
When creating your own CDef it’s best to give it a name in order to better identify it from the unnamed ones.

note: Currently Fable Explorer will only store a linked cdef in an fmp if it is given a name. Otherwise the Cdef is added but not properly linked when the fmp is loaded.


This is the actual File ID of another “Objects”. It is currently unknown what it’s purpose is but the general idea is to use the current “Objects” File ID for anything that defines it as unique, and use the templates for the generic stuff. You can use pre-existing “Objects” as a guideline for this.